Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Getting back on track

I stopped blogging over a year ago. I am not sure why, but I guess I felt like the posts couldn't be as honest as I wanted them to be. At the time, I felt like they needed to be profound, though-provoking entries. Now I just want to document what is happening around me so that I don't forget this time in our lives. So much has happened since my last post, but most importantly, we added a new member to our family: Evelyn Kate Miller. Evelyn for my grandmother and Kate for Matt's great aunt-both of whom are deceased. She is four months old and the fourth human member of our family, which is what prompted the new name of this blog. I'd like you to meet her now:


  1. welcome back. what a sweet surprise to see a new post in my google reader.

    will you ask evelyn if i can borrow that green & pink top?

  2. Hi cousin! Just found your blog and I love it! So glad your starting back up. Gonna love seeing and hearing about your adorable family. And, Evelyn is such a cutie. Can't wait to meet her....hopefully one day soon. xoxo.

  3. Tiffany and Katie-if only my blog could look half as good as either of yours does! Thanks for being my inspiration. Mine is a work in progress.
    tiff-you are welcome to borrow the green and pink top-it's supposed to be a dress, but apparently Evelyn already loves to show off her undies!
