Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Laughing, laughing, laughing

Well, after my first post, I have figured a few things out. Looks like I will have to re-configure the homepage, but I will work on that later. One of the things I have learned is how to upload a video to the blog, so for your viewing pleasure, here are a few videos of Hayden eating his first solids! Santa brought him a high chair for Christmas and we have made very good use of it. Hayden thinks that sweet potatoes are pretty funny...As usual, I am making an ass of myself.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hayden's First Christmas

Well, we can't believe it has already come and gone-Hayden's first Christmas. It was actually a week of many firsts, starting with Hayden's first solid food with a spoon. We started him with rice cereal on December 23rd after his 4 month pediatrician visit. As expected, it did not go well. Most of it came right back out, but Hayden gave us a glimmer of hope that he was ready when he swallowed a very small amount. The look on his face was priceless! After a few unsuccessful attempts with rice cereal, we moved on to sweet potatoes. Surprisingly this morning, Hayden actually ate them! We started by putting the puree on my finger and then tried the spoon. It was amazing-he just started opening his mouth and swallowing the food. We'll see if he still likes them tomorrow.
We had a beautiful snow on Christmas Eve which was the first measurable snow on Christmas Eve in recorded Dallas history! Matt took some beautiful pictures on Christmas Day to document the event. We didn't have time to make a snowman before it all melted Christmas afternoon, but at least Hayden got to see his first snow. Sage enjoyed it too-it reminded him of Colorado.
Lastly, Hayden has officially found his feet. He has been pulling them up for about 2 weeks, but yesterday he started grabbing them and now that is all he wants. If he doesn't have his fingers or his thumb in his mouth, he is grabbing his feet.
Rolling over from back to front will certainly be his next move-he is trying really hard, but can't quite figure out how to get there. Sometimes he grabs his head and tries to push it over-it's pretty hilarious to watch.
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We are looking forward to all that's to come in 2010.