Saturday, April 10, 2010

What a difference a day makes!

Yay! Hayden did it-he FINALLY crawled for the first time yesterday. Some of you may have already seen it on Facebook, since matt has an iphone and in one click he was able to upload a video. Me, on the other hand, still iphone-less and uploading videos old-school (with a camera and the computer), spent most of the morning working on these videos.

Yesterday he took a few forward crawling steps intermixed with the usual "slither", but this morning he was off. You can see the difference 1 day made in the videos below!

Wish us luck...


  1. Oh boy! Walking will come soon enough!

  2. Yea, Hayden! You little champ! It looks like he could just push off the floor and take off running....

  3. amy...i LOVE the profile pic. it's too funny & cute! xo
