Believe it or not, I am sitting here looking out of the window at about 2 inches of powdery, white snow. This Dallas weather was not what I expected! I am actually excited about this snow because last time it snowed we forgot to take pictures of Hayden sitting outside in a pile of snow or next to a snowman. As all of my mom friends were posting pictures of their precious babies on facebook all bundled up out in the snow, I was feeling like an idiot, because we completely forgot to do that. Thank goodness for second (and third and fourth and fifth) chances.
The snow melted quickly, so fifth chance gone!
Anyway, that is not what I wanted to write about today. I also do not want to write about crawling-you all know where we are with that. Today, I sadly write about the soon-to-be-retired bouncy chair.
The bouncy chair has been my salvation for the past 6 months and has allowed me to take a shower, put on make-up and dry my hair in the morning-it is responsible for me looking somewhat pulled together. The bouncy chair lives in our bathroom to allow me these luxuries while I keep an eye on the precious child. Meanwhile, Hayden kicks back, plays with the dangling zebra and elephant, listens to his music and gets a lovely vibrating massage. He talks and yells and laughs. It is a good start to our day.
Lately, however, Hayden has become increasingly dissatisfied with the relaxating nature of the bouncy chair. He is constantly trying to find ways out of the bouncy chair. I often see him arching his back and trying to roll out (which he can't sucessfully do because of the restraint device). Yesterday, he discovered a new move which has proven more successful. First, he rips down the arch that holds the zebra and elephant and tosses it to one side. Next he uses his legs to push his body to the very top of the chair which loosens the restraint device. The final move involves me grabbing him out of there so he doesn't end up on the floor! It's probably not the ending he had in mind, but the overall goal to get out of the bouncy chair has been met.
I have been struggling with the idea of retiring the bouncy chair for several weeks now, but I have not been able to do it. Why, you ask? Mainly because retiring the bouncy chair involves me getting up early to get my shower in. My goal is to get up at 6:00AM, but so far I have been completely unsucessful. I have read several articles on how to get up early in the morning which suggest that you set your alarm 15 minutes earlier every couple of days in order to allow your body to adjust. You should also put your alarm across the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Sounds great in theory, but so far I have simply gotten out of bed, walked across the room, turned the alarm off and gotten back in bed. Obviously, I am going to have to take drastic measures to make this work.
The take home message is that Hayden has a way of getting what he wants and whether I like it or not, I have to adjust my life to keep things flowing around here. So I will continue to set the alarm and try to become a morning person until I succeed (sorry Matt!)
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