Last week we "celebrated" Hayden's six month birthday. By celebrated, I mean we sang happy birthday to you about 100 times and had an extra serving of apples for breakfast. It was a grand day!
Besides having Hayden's 6 month birthday, there has been a lot of excitement on Willow Lane, starting with the blizzard of '010 (as Matt calls it). We had 12+ inches of snow in 24 hours and let me tell you, that kind of precipitation does not fly in Dallas. Now I understand why there are no live oaks in Colorado-they do not fare well in snowy conditions. You could actually hear the branches snapping in the middle of the night, which was quite eerie when you are trying to sleep in a house with no electricity. The only one that got a good night's sleep Thursday night was Hayden, who didn't notice anything was different except that he was really cold when he woke up Friday morning. We were without power for 3 days, but happily returned home Sunday evening after a vacation at Nana and Poppy's house.
As you can see by the pictures, Hayden is trying to crawl. He is a very determined little crawler and will try to move forward over and over until he is in tears. Typically, he goes backward, but he is beginning to make some forward progress-mostly lunging forward onto his belly. Babies are supposed to sit up first before crawling, but Hayden has NO interest in sitting still. He can sit up on his own, but has little patience once in position. I give him 2 more weeks before he is totally mobile-Whew, we are not ready for that!
Lastly, Hayden has his first tooth and it is a sharp little sucker! He is constantly drooling, sticking his fingers in his mouth and chewing on everything (including my fingers when he can get to them). I can't wait until it gets a little bigger so we can see his toothy little smile.
We are off to the doctor today to get Hayden's 6 month check up! We will see how much he weighs and get a slew of vaccines. I will report back soon!
Great report!!!! Those photos are SOOOO cute! Isn't fun when they start doing stuff and getting teeth and being celebrated!?